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kristen maria <3
"living in a daydream "
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— 4 Comments— 3 Kudos
be kind; especially to yourself
Category: Life
/* DON'T DELETE THE MOBILE CODE unless you want an uneven background in mobile lol */ @media (max-width: 600px) { .container{ width:100%!important; background-size: 50%!important; » Continue Reading
— 2 Kudos
Category: Writing and Poetry
Sadness creeps over me like a thick fog over a deep lake. Melancholy consumes me; it seeps down into my bones. My mind is filled with a constant low humming static. My body is heavy with grief. Loneliness fills the cracks in my broken heart. I am weary. Tired legs, tired soul. I yearn for a spark; to reignite the fires within. » Continue Reading
— 1 Comment— 4 Kudos
— 2 Kudos
dreaming with open eyes
Category: Blogging
I just want to make a bed out of daisies, a pillow out of moss, and a blanket out of silk and just hibernate for a while. @import url('https://fonts.googleapi » Continue Reading