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HE/THEY, Belgian, 19 yo, INFP

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A strange experience I lived while listening to Meteor Shower today

Category: Music

I'm a huge Cavetown fan, but never really searched for official meanings of some of his songs. Some of them are pretty easy to understand, like This Is Home or 1994, but I feel like some others can take different meaning depending of each listener. I might one day write about some strange feelings I had while listening to some of his song, and how scarily accurate some of them are for me (there ar... » Continue Reading

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— 2 Kudos

I haven't felt that alive since 3 years

Category: Life

I wasn't supposed to come back on social medias until the end of my exams, but I really needed to write about this publicly. I know that I write too much for anyone to stop and read about my life but who knows, maybe one day I'll get a sign that someone is reading that, and that's enough for me. I can't just write and keep it to myself, knowing that other people can know about what I did help me k... » Continue Reading

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A bit of vent, I'm trying to see if I'm the only one in my current situation

Category: Blogging

I love a lot of different things. Most of the time things that have nothing in common, except being non-typical. Sometimes it's fun, I feel like I have so much space to express myself but sometimes - most of the time actually -, it impact me negatively. I struggle a lot with depersonnalization and derealization. I haven't felt like myself in years. Everything around me feels like a constant semi-l... » Continue Reading

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