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Project Idea
Category: Music
I have this idea for a collaborative album, it’s concept is that it would work as a tribute to music itself, every single musician and band in the album would basically make a song honoring their specific genre/style and how it all started and who started it. All musician interested in collaborating in the album from all types of styles and genre are obviously welcomed, this how it would work, any... » Continue Reading
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
Hey, I’ve made a forum yesterday (pretty shit undeniably), it was pretty hard to make it (mostly because I had to make it on my phone lol) but yeah, you should check it out and tell me what you think of its current state and how I should improve it. » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
I’m gonna get into quilting and sewing, I’m gonna learn how to make patches, arm bands, and cockades and sell them. » Continue Reading
Basic concept of chapter one and two
Category: Books and Stories
This is the basic and set concept of chapter one and two of the story I’m working on, I want to share it so I can show I’m not just being lazy, lol. It starts with the creation of the main agonists in the story, the Vernetikits, or also referred to as the 16th tribe and later on the Black Banner Brotherhood or the Brotherhood of the Black Banner or the landsbund (I know I’m not creative but this i... » Continue Reading
Why my DA is empty
Category: Blogging
To those who may be following both my DA and this account, you might have been wondering why my DA is for some reason, completely barren. (Well not now since I started uploading again) but why did I delete everything? Well, I deleted everything because I thought I accidentally deleted a drawing of mine so in a mad dash to find it on my DA and download it so that I didn’t lose it forever, I purged ... » Continue Reading
New story
Category: Blogging
I’m currently working on a brand new story (well not currently as I have been working on it for nearly a year now but still) also those other two stories I published rn are currently still works on progresses, I just wanted to know what other people thought of them so I can know what to fix or what add or if there perfect as is :3 » Continue Reading
-No Serenades for the Damned-
Category: Books and Stories
On one cold night, I stood gazing into a mirror, contemplating it all, wondering about the paths I took, and the accomplishments I had in my life. But, as I gazed into the mirror, there he stared back at me. A pale man draped in a black cloak with a silver mask and a stained satchel stared at » Continue Reading
Links Lists
Category: Blogging
This is just a little link list to all my other profiles, on other sites, because I’m to lazy to make a linktree. Newgrounds: VidLii: » Continue Reading
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im making a story
Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes
well actually I'm thinking about making one, I have the concept of what type of story and what it will be about ready in my head but should I make it? the story is basically about the US fracturing and turning into Europe after the fall of Rome, and what the effects of the collapse are outside of the world but it will primarily be focusing on the stuff happing inside the US and most of it is about... » Continue Reading
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unfunny unoriginal thought
Category: Blogging
its funny to think about the fact that in the future there will be serial killers, presidents, scientists, painters, political activists, and other people that be remembered in history will be YouTubers and tiktokers, and you will probably be able to find old vids of them doing stupid little dances/challenges or find them shilling an onlyfans. » Continue Reading