Basic concept of chapter one and two

This is the basic and set concept of chapter one and two of the story I’m working on, I want to share it so I can show I’m not just being lazy, lol.

It starts with the creation of the main agonists in the story, the Vernetikits, or also referred to as the 16th tribe and later on the Black Banner Brotherhood or the Brotherhood of the Black Banner or the landsbund (I know I’m not creative but this is still the second draft).

But basically they were created after there creator, Verin, falls from the heavens, Verin is a fallen angel, and in case your wondering yes there are a lot of biblical references in this story.

But, Verin falls from the heavens and lands on earth creating a collision so hard that much of the dead come back to life.

And Verin and 12 missionaries give these living corpses sentience and knowledge to use to conquer the other 15 tribes of humanity, but this attempted colonization fails due to the rest of the tribes out number them, in fact it’s such a failure that it leads to the death Verin and his 12 missionaries.

But not to the death of the 16th tribe as they went into hiding underground and they swear and oath of vengeance against the lower races and quickly begin to convince the other tribes to in fight with each other and there are now only to tribes left the 2nd being the 16th tribe

And in the second chapter we see how the 16th tribe or now called the Vernetikits, have influenced humanity, they built monuments to the Vernetikits and worshiped them as if they were gods.

But we begin to see there grasp upon the humanity weaken with the death of the Roman Empire and the Christianization of Europe.

And that’s all I will share currently.

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