Now you’re probably wondering why should we stop doing this. That sign doubles as a gang sign. It’s called dropping/slamming rakes or GDK (“Gangster Disciple Killer”). Back in Chicago there’s this gang called the Gangster Disciples or GD’s for short. GD’s throw up a pitch fork and bend three fingers to diss the BD’s. (“Black Disciple”) This is called “Trey Cracking”. (BD’s are nicknamed Treys) BD’... » Continue Reading
I can’t stand people who instigate. And it always be the toxic niggas or niggas who wanna see drama, and if you the bean head ass person who’s be causing it, you need to sit yo azz down. See itz all fun and games until someone getz there feelingz hurt or until someone getz hurt. And it’ll be worse if it backfires on yourself. Now that’s yo azz on the wall. On Wolfie🐺 » Continue Reading
Now I'm from a small town from North Carolina. but back then there where a group of teenagers who thought the same thing I believed in. » Continue Reading
Welp, it’s that time of the year. My allergies are fucking me up right now. MY NOSE IS CLOGGED!!! I hate this shit so much. It’s sucks. » Continue Reading
I always wanted to go to a high school party. But I can’t drive, and niggas barley throwing shit. At party’s, you don’t know what’s gonna happen. But most of the time it’s people doing white shit or people doing nigga shit. For example; White people shit: Jumping off and slamming tables while intoxicated. Nigga shit: instigating to escalate the situation to turn ugly to worst. » Continue Reading