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"Not a Woman"

26, Nonbinary, Mad Pride

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Mood: Not a woman

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Antisemites Suck

Category: Life

I dont give a fuck how cool you think you are, i dont give a fuck how much Zuckerburg sucks Thats a Jewish man and if you call him a lizard Im going to assume youre a Nazi. Everyone on this site is too old not to know basic nazi dogwhistles » Continue Reading

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Out of place

Category: Life

This is a vent blog so if you don't want to see that click off I just feel so out of place here. I mean, everywhere on the internet, but i just have 0 clue what I'm doing on Here. The two main groups of people are Adults who know how to talk to eachother with longform forum content and Kids who are used to twitter/tumblr. » Continue Reading

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You cant treat teenagers like they're stupid if you want them to listen to you

Category: Life

I mean what can else can I add? Teenagers arent 3, and they aren't going to respond the way you want them to if you treat them like they are. Tell them the risks involved in sharing personal information online. Tell them how easy it is for someone to figure out where they live with the smallest amount of info. Don't fucking tell them "Stop sharing info, you stupid fucking kid! Youre a child, you d... » Continue Reading

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Updates Since Last I Was On

Category: Life

Idk, just havent been on in forever cause everything takes too much energy. This isnt chronological btw Brought my little sister to her first convention. She loved it Started testosterone Started daily journalling Bought a corset Saw a play of Alice in Wonderland Got into Oomph Got into Rusty Lake Started learning butterfly knife stuff » Continue Reading

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My Partners

Category: Life

Just a small gushing about my current partners, as of today. To preface everything, I am Objectum Sexual, which means I am able to have the same feelings towards Objects, Concepts, and Fictional Things as I am real people. Or, at least, as Most have towards real people. I'm arospec and feelings towards real people is Hard. One of my Flesh Partners is also a system, which means theres multiple peop... » Continue Reading

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Category: Writing and Poetry

This is not a poem for you. You aren't a man who'd want one. You aren't a man who deserves one, but I don't care what you Want. I don't care what you deserve. A crude "philosopher" of marrow and gore Thinks nothing of the small text a weak fuck produces A man who only reads for himself to become the him he wants would never care what others want You disgust me And I am better than you » Continue Reading

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2 Comments— 1 Kudos

Gym Talk

Category: Life

Working out is fucking hard. I dont mean the activity of it, though my arms are weak as fuck and I cant even go 5 pounds on some of the machines, I mean its hard fucking Waiting. My gym routine is i do 20 on every machine for what Im focusing on (mostly arms, abs, and back. Legs occasionally.) and then I walk half a mile. Repeat till I cant. Thats a good start for my lazy ass whos never worked out... » Continue Reading

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1 Comment— 5 Kudos


Category: Life

Alright folks its me. Here to talk about the concept of being Transage. Yes. That shit. Most of you know it from "Transphobic as fuck troll terminology" but suprisingly, theres some people who genuinely identify with the term. And I'm gonna be honest with you. Most of them, so far, Are the kind of creeps you'd expect. But theres more to it than that, there really is. As a post I saw explain, age d... » Continue Reading

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Category: SpaceHey

Already! Congrats to R3KL3SS for the 100th spot! Stay gold, King! » Continue Reading

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Category: Blogging


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Autumn Cleaning

Category: Life

So, for context, I've had the same tumblr account for almost 9 years now. However, after my breakup with my abusive ex, where he harrassed me for simply stating how I felt on my blog, I made a new account. I've been slowly trying to move all my accumulated posts and likes to my second account for... about a year now? Its fun cleaning it all out. A reverse cookie clicker, where I make the numbers g... » Continue Reading

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