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Big corparations & individuality is the reason everyone is burned-out
Category: Jobs, Work, Careers
I believe happiness comes from seeing your progress, » Continue Reading
site administrator: Florian Günnar
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Category: Jobs, Work, Careers
I believe happiness comes from seeing your progress, » Continue Reading
Category: Jobs, Work, Careers
I believe happiness comes from seeing your progress, » Continue Reading
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Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes
How to use this form » Continue Reading
Category: Books and Stories
This story is better known as the frog prince, the story that Disney had based The Prinses and the Frog on , tho I barely see the resemblance with these two versions In olden times, when wishing still did some good, there lived a king whose daughters were all beautiful, but the you » Continue Reading
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Category: Books and Stories
Modern fantasy has big inspirations from fairytales and folklore, but they differ in three aspects. Modern genre fantasy is set in a different reality, either a fantasy world separated from ours, or a hidden fantasy side of our own world. In addition, the rules, geography, history, etc. of this world tend to be defined, even if they are not described outright. Traditional fantastic tales take plac... » Continue Reading
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Category: Dreams and the Supernatural
From the perspective of ethnology, legends, myths, sagas and fairy tales are seen as different folktale genres. Myths are about gods, demigods, mythical creatures or heroes. And they can be part of religion and rituals. They can also 'explain' and justify existing phenomena in the world. The » Continue Reading