How to use this form
This form is a guide to a weekly / monthly self reflection session to help you realize what is keeping you in a bad mood or mindset. I like to plan these sessions on the new moon.
Change happens slowly, and just becoming aware of what has to change is step one.
Start the sessions by welcoming people, with calm music, thee and cookies or something.
We usually start with reading a fairy tale. Fairytales have a broad scope of interpretations of what the meaning and moral could be and is a fun social exercise to start. You can have discussion about your opinion and goals of the characters and talk about mythical creatures and history. Other people's news already tell a lot of who they are.
For every one of these 5 steps below, you should write down how it went in the pastime. If you’re stuck, try to think of 3 positives and 3 negatives. It helps best if someone else asks you these questions and writes down notes about your answers, as it sparks deep and meaningful conversation. Having a second opinion from someone else makes it easier to dig deeper in where the emotions really come from.
Based on these reflections, you probably came across some advice from yourself or others how to do things differently. For instance, ‘’I feel greasy and lazy because I eat a lot of fast food’’ can easily turn into the goal ‘’ I want to eat more veggies’’.
That's a good goal but make sure to word it so that its measurable, in this goal we say ‘’more’’ which mean we could always do better even if we did succeed. Try wording it as ‘’i want to cook 2 home cooked dishes next week’’. The goal should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.
Make your goals a little on the simple side, as you will be happy once you reached your goal, and then you can make the number higher. If you said ‘’i want to eat a home cooked meal every day’’ and then miss a day, you feel bad and give up. Even tho you were doing great.
Try not to go over board with the amount of goals, 2 per point max.
Make sure to keep it realistic, you might be very inspired now but that might not last all month.
After you walked thou the points of Physical, Mental, Material, Spiritual, and Breaking (and any you might add that fit you like Social). You can finish up the session by reading the weekly/monthly horoscope, doing tarot, other scrying activities or doing something that gives good luck.
Make sure to once in a while remind the others of their goals.
Base Form:
Cult meeting: [date]
Attendance: person 1, person 2
Read the fairy tale of:
[ name / writer ]
[ summary of story 5 sentences max ]
[interesting opinion points ]
♦ Physical
What did you do to help your body? Healing, drinking enough water, healthy foods, exercising, getting fresh air, shower, brushing teeth?
Person 1: [summery of reflection answers]
Goals last week/month:
[reflection on last week/month goals]
New Goals:
Person 2: [summery of reflection answers]
Goals last week/month:
[reflection on last week/month goals]
New Goals:
♦ Mental
What did you do to clear your mind? Meditate, planning, What worries you and what small step can you set to change it?
Person 1: [summery of reflection answers]
Goals last week/month:
[reflection on last week/month goals]
New Goals:
Person 2: [summery of reflection answers]
Goals last week/month:
[reflection on last week/month goals]
New Goals:
♦ Material
Did you create anything? Drawings, writing, food, outfits, et., planted plants, repaired objects, collected / found things outside? How is it going financially?
Person 1: [summery of reflection answers]
Goals last week/month:
[reflection on last week/month goals]
New Goals:
Person 2: [summery of reflection answers]
Goals last week/month:
[reflection on last week/month goals]
New Goals:
♦ Spiritual / Me time
Did you take time for yourself? Any form of magik? Learned something about yourself, work on a skill? Hobbies? What did you do to stimulate your mind? Planned things to look forward too?
Person 1: [summery of reflection answers]
Goals last week/month:
[reflection on last week/month goals]
New Goals:
Person 2: [summery of reflection answers]
Goals last week/month:
[reflection on last week/month goals]
New Goals:
♦ Breaking
Did you break any bad structures in your life? Breaking bad habits, cutting off negative influences? Setting boundaries, overcoming addictions or dealing with bad/sad situations?
Person 1: [summery of reflection answers]
Goals last week/month:
[reflection on last week/month goals]
New Goals:
Person 2: [summery of reflection answers]
Goals last week/month:
[reflection on last week/month goals]
New Goals:
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