This thing is wacky fellas sell you newborn for one of these and just make another. Can a small child allow you to play Elden Ring on the go? That's right it can't I got you there look at you lookin all goofy rn with your toddler in your arms receiving unconditional love and life long memories. But can you one shot a motherfucker using a yellow piss Lazer shot out of your eyes while at the doctors... » Continue Reading
The man does not miss!!! He don't miss! Mother fucker don't miss! He fuckin hit us with the basics right, right. The golden squares that stab at the roof of your mouth with every bite and peel away at your gums until your teeth are just holding on by the nerve endings but who gives a fuck you have been crunchatized by Captain Horatio Magellan Crunch. But thats WHATEVER OKAY??? It was good whatever... » Continue Reading
Hello, I thought this was very cute and fun so I am doing one now. Okay, thank you stranger! Leave a silly lil like! That would be pretty coollllll!!!!!! » Continue Reading