hope my acc wasn't collecting too much dust, because that'd be pretty melancholic. nonetheless, i am full of whimsy and life! i'm so happy to be doing better now, and i hope the best to whoever's here to read all my yapping :3 but to say a little secret, i've actually been thinkin' of baking a ton more, and even getting into sewing and silly stuff like that! alsooo, i got art commissions open if ... » Continue Reading
surprisingly this year ain't too bad! been doing better in school thanks to the big move back to online school, and my mom even promised us that we were going to great wolf lodge when taxes come! i'm even thinking of working on starting a garden in the backyard!! » Continue Reading
I manage to pull off an essay, a paper bridge (that held 5.07$ in pennies) , an assignment and a map presentation based off the hunger games in what I can only say were flying colors. I did it. I fucking did it. I'M PASSING EVERYONE I FUCKING DID IT!!!! » Continue Reading
I know school actually ends on the end of may, but my niece's birthday is on the 29th and what kind of great aunt would I be if I missed it for a school that sucks? And after that I won't be going to last 2 days because why would I? So for now, I'll be focusing on upping my grades and doing the tests so I'll actually pass and not go to the summertime slammer, aka summer school. » Continue Reading
I'm thinking of working at the nearby giant eagles for the summer to get money!! I think of did the math at some point and it turned up to around 200 something for around 4 hours for 4 days per week! I'll be able to get all the hot topic and Spencer's shit I want!! I might even be able to go to the mall more often too, and finally be able to achieve my dream scene wardrobe!! I can't wait til the e... » Continue Reading
But at least it's almost over :3 I'm just tired of feeling like a bug under people's shoes, and treated like the plague because I'm apparently weird and the way I dress and do things.. Even things I didn't know were weird are weird to them!! I once got told by he girls that maybe if I changed the way I dress, do my hair, etc etc I'd actually be likeable in their eyes. But I don't want to be liked ... » Continue Reading
It's like- 2:48 in the morning, it's a Friday, school!! I can feel my wee little brain sizzling up because most of the kids are picking on me for reasons I don't know of. Maybe it's the way I dress? The wat I talk? I dunno, but I wish they'd just leave me alone. :c » Continue Reading