HAAIII back again with another blog about meh mediocre coding skillz 0_o lulz anyway, haven't seen much about this sort of code so i'll be teh one 2 post it!!!! i figured it out mostly by mehself lulz ANIMATION KEYFRAME JAZZ: ----code start, put here @-webkit-keyframes buzz-on-hover { 50% { -webkit-transform: translateX(3px) rotate(2deg); transform: translateX(3px) rotate(2deg); } 10... » Continue Reading
HAAAI so I made a ufo cuff, i didn't have enough black so I made due, it was originally gonna be all black and green but I didn't have enough beadz >^ < since the alien is hard to see » Continue Reading
even though he isn't really liked due to the fact his whole thing iz just "me kill for funny", i like him bc he isn't a in-dept character, he has no real reason to kill, he just likes to prank and kill for no reason lolz » Continue Reading
i keep looking at profilez on here and seeing other ppl who are the same age az me on here and going "wow 16, thatz pretty old XP" and then i go "wait thatz my age!!!!" i keep thinking im still 14 X/ grrrr » Continue Reading
ever since i got my beadz, i beem making alot of kandi!!!! well rn i only have 2 large cuffz, a smaller cuff, and two singletz but cmon i dont have enough money to get more beadz ok X/ i had made more but then i wanted to make teh rainbow cuff in the image and tore some of them apart so i had beadz to finish it, i kinda regret it but look at it!!!!! so pretty XP the two singletz say "wafflez" and ... » Continue Reading
HAI! do u want to have your profile have the same fading in and out colour thingie like mine?!?!?! (check my profile if u dk what i'm talking abt) well herez teh code so u dont have to fuck around and find out liek i did!!! notes; sorry if you get confused by the way i explain, i'm not very good with english sometimez .profile { width: 100%; height: 100%; animation: pulse 7s infinite; } » Continue Reading
grah!!!! i wish that my profile would look the same on all devicez, instead of it looking fine on my laptop and the everything iz everywhere when you're on phone and on a regular computer. i worked so hard on thiz for it to only look nice for me and not anyone else DX (unlezz they have a laptop the same size az mine) i want my profile to be cool looking for EVERYONE, not just me XC » Continue Reading