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An announce-
Category: Blogging
Hey yall Chapter 6 might come a little bit late due my exams going to start- So yeah please be patient with us » Continue Reading
Warrior cats - Hated to be useless
Category: Books and Stories
Chapter 5 (Peachkit’s pov) I sat next to my mother, finally my grounded time ended, Spottedlight put some leaves and cobwebs to her cheek: “Be careful, Cookie.” Spottedlight sighed, “Next time don’t go to the outside again.” She sighed, she knew that my father attacked to my mother. “I’ll go, Take care of yourself.” Then Spottedlight left from the den, My eyes sparkled and, “Hey mother!” I mew... » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
I know that anyone didn't asked it but lol :>>> Q: Where are you from ? A: Republic of Turkey. Q: What is your mbti and ennegram A: Enfj, 6w7 Q: What is your age :> A: I can say that I'm teenager like I can't give it so sorry. Q: Your favorite Vocaloid A: Kaito, Ga » Continue Reading
Warrior cats - Hated to be useless chapter 4
Category: Books and Stories
(Peachkit’s pov) I felt a bit weirder,when Fernbee got his name and that she-cat who saved me also came to my mind thinking about that ‘is she alive or not?’ But i shouldn’t focused on that right now…I should focus about my future. There was a cat that made me felt annoyed, all they want warriors not medicine cats: “Why are you looking at me you soft cat?!” The cat came near to me was our Clan’s l... » Continue Reading
Warrior cats - Hated to be useless, Chapter 2
Category: Books and Stories
Chapter 2 (Peachkit’s pov) At that time where everyone fell asleep, I went out from nursery. I saw the sky yet I smiled: “Calm yourself Peachkit. It’s the time when you learn the herbs where they are.” I silently tried to walk i won’t woke anyone, I entered the medicine den yet i had a shocked face: “W-Why Cyclone and Hawkleaves here.” I asked to Spottedlight and Fer... » Continue Reading
Warrior cats - Hated to be useless, Chapter 1
Category: Books and Stories
Chapter 1 (This written with the main character’s pov) I was sleeping at my mossbed, i could feel my mother’s scent next to mine, then i felt a lick at my head: “Honey woke up!” I felt my mom nagged my pelt. I didn’t introduce myself am i? Well here we are, my name is Peachkit, I am a half kittypet and also a Riverclan cat. “Mom five minutes m-more please..” I mumbled... » Continue Reading
Warrior cats: Hated to be useless, Prologue
Category: Books and Stories
Prologue A cold wind sworn at the barn, the wind sounded like a melody. There was a large cat who was probably thinking about something, their mind turned into a mess with some words they heard in the past: “Why are you doing this to me?! I can’t believe you anymore,” This sounded like a sad she-cat crying in front of the cat. “This is it! I can’t believe you chosed that cat to this cat who alr... » Continue Reading
Warrior cats:Hated to be useless, Alligiances
Category: Books and Stories
Alligiances Riverclan Leader Deerstar: A tall deer looking she-cat. Deputy Treecloud: A handsome brown tom with a white tail tip. Medicine cat(s) Spottedlight: A ugly tortoise-shell she that looks like Spottedleaf but instead she has blue eyes and a crooked jaw. (App: Fernpaw) Warriors Talonstripes: A large and muscular white-and-black tom. (Apprentice: Crowpaw) Hawkleaves: » Continue Reading
I will start a new book!
Category: Blogging
Hello everyone! I am Feather and today i'll announce something...I'll make new book to my sona, Shawn. The story would be warrior cats universe for sure there will be terms like jerry and gib so gib means neutured male and jerry is a term i randomly say in my mind in this universe thing jerry would be a male cat who lives in twoleg place or cats with kittyprt blood so they can't call them as tom... » Continue Reading
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How to make warrior cat character/ fanfic
Category: Writing and Poetry
Hi! I'll show you how to make warrior cat fanfic and character so i want to start with character, First if you want to make a simple realistic character..Let me give you tips 1) Don't make pelt colors unrealistic. This is gonna t-pose it but eh let me say, don't make like rainbow or pink cats (expect it's hairless) I mean look at the realistic pelt color a cat could have, Like g » Continue Reading