People are actually conditioned to believe that struggling is ‘just how it is’. Like, people will honestly reply to difficulties with ‘that’s life’. No! What’s wrong with you? Do you actually think that your overall struggles are because you don’t work hard enough? Do you think ‘working hard’, nose-to-the-grindstone is going to get you anything that will assure your safety in the future? For most ... » Continue Reading
So, I'm only about 5 episodes into the series, but I have to say I'm not terribly disappointed. I know the show is getting a lot of shit, but that's what happens when anime/cartoons are turned live action- its going to suck for perfectionists and idealists. That's just how it goes. When the 2016 Ghostbuster re-imagining came out, it got so much shit because it didn't emulate the source material we... » Continue Reading
After the Paul Feig fiasco (though don’t get me wrong, I’m not mad at the 2016 reimagining) I was wary of this new Ghostbusters revival from Jason Reitman, whose father did the first two original Ghostbusters movies. The cast looked good, the plot looked good, and the involvement from so many veteran cast gave me high hopes. I’m a huge Ghostbusters fan. I was Egon for like 3 Halloweens when I was... » Continue Reading
And no idea where to begin. To be continued. **I did not design the Hank Hill/Post Malone mashup image, nor do I know who the original artist is. I use it under Fair Use and in no way claim ownership or creation credit.** » Continue Reading