My birthday is in November, and I've always felt like I was one step behind my peers whose birthdays were in May, January, you name it. So, I've always been mega excited about getting older and finally catching up with people my age. But not this year . I'm turning 17 in about five days, and I feel like life is slipping through my fingers. 16 has passed so quickly, and I'm afraid that 17 (the age... » Continue Reading
What are your thoughts on "Crimson Peak" (2015) ?? My review (sort of): A movie for people who love hot people and ghosts; jk, watched "Crimson Peak" by Guillermo del Toro last night and felt completely nostalgic and comforted, I swear that house is haunted and creepy but I wanna move there, haven't felt that attracted to a place in a long time. It's scary and beautiful in the best way and the who... » Continue Reading
"Jagged Little Pill" the debut album by Alanis Morissette You're in for a sweet and sour journey, a mix between an aggressive (and mostly angry) female voice and the softness of the guitars and bass lines in the background. The lyrics give the album a girl next door meets riottt girl quality, with songs like "Mary » Continue Reading
"Norman Fu**ing Rockwell!" by Lana del Rey "NFR!", Lana del Rey's 2019 release is the type of album that works perfectly for both the last day of summer and the first day of rain. I picked the latter today. The record has an ascending melodramatic sound throughout the tracks , the melodies of a crushed American » Continue Reading
"Cub", by Wunderhorse I'm a sucker for great epilogues as album closers, and Jacob Slater, as the main lead and songwriter of the band, does that perfectly in this 10-song record. The sound of the album, although constant and repeated throughout the tracks, isn't executed to the extreme - hence, you don't get tired of it; overall, it makes for a very consistent record. In consonance with the theme... » Continue Reading
"Grand Prix", the third studio album by Teenage Fanclub A slightly more approachable and mature record than their debut "Bandwagonesque" , thanks to their sweeter , more nostalgic beats and solidified lyrics, you can't find » Continue Reading