"Norman Fu**ing Rockwell!" by Lana del Rey
"NFR!", Lana del Rey's 2019 release is the type of album that works perfectly for both the last day of summer and the first day of rain. I picked the latter today. The record has an ascending melodramatic sound throughout the tracks, the melodies of a crushed American Dream, that reaches its climax with "Happiness is a Butterfly" ("If he's a serial killer, then what's the worse / That could happen to a girl who's already hurt?/ I'm already hurt") only for Miss Lana to assure us in the end that we must, despite all, have hope.
She is doomed right from the start, but the confession that indeed she has secured that elusive desire of an all-American dream, leaves the question, should we cheer for or pity her?
"Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have / But I have it / Yeah, I have it"
Personal Favourite: "Love Song", "Happiness is a Butterfly"
Release Date: 2019
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best best best album everrr
"it's a lifestyle, it's a religion"
by sugarspunsister; ; Report