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"GET ME OUT OF THE [Sale Ends 14/11/03] SWIMMING POOL"


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CLICK [[Hear]]

Category: Jobs, Work, Careers

[] MY INCREDIBLE [Vomit Enducing] WEB-SITE]IS AVALIABLE N0W !!!!!!11!1!!!11! HAEHAHEHAHEHAHEAHEHA!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!1! » Continue Reading

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MY [Products & Services]

Category: Life

[[Hyperlink-Blocked]] ... H ELP » Continue Reading

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H APPY NEW YEAR [[2000]] !!!

Category: Life

NEW YEAR NEW [Savings] !!!!11!1!1!!!1!1!!!!1! MY [Resolution1920x1080] IS TO ACQUIRE [[Delicis Kromer]] » Continue Reading

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MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM MY [Whacky Family] TO YOURS !!!!!1!!!!!!11!1

Category: Life

IT,S IT IS THE [[Holiday Specil]]!!!!! OUR [Titular Family] ARE HAVEING A [[WonderfulChristmastime.MP3]] I RECE1VED PLENTY OF [[Click 2 Claim Free Gift]] THIS YEAR !!1!!!!!!1! I GOT [[Coupon Book]], [Heated Blanket £29.99], [Novelty Christmas Jumper Sweater Comedy Joke Funny Person » Continue Reading

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CHRISMAS!!!! [Just a week away!]

Category: Blogging

CRISMAS IS IN A WEEK !!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!1!!!1111! [[Everything's On Sale During Christmas In July!]] !!!!!1!1!!!!!!11 I AM SO HAPPY ABOUT THESE [[Information]] SO MANY GREAT DEALS AND [ITEMS] FOR PURCHASING!!11!1!!1!!!! I'M GONNA [[$%!&]] MY PANTS IN THIS [TescoSuperstore]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... » Continue Reading

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Category: Life

D3ALS SO CRAZY TH THEY ARE MAKING ME TAKE [[Medications]] ... [Michael Addison] YOU [SLIME] !!1!!1!!!!! G1VE ME BACK [Free iPhone 4] » Continue Reading

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MERRY [[Holidays]]!!!!1111

Category: Blogging

THERE IS [snowing] ON MY PAGE!1!!1!1!!!1! YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /* customizable snowflake styling */ .snowflake { color: white; font-size: 1em; font-family: Arial, sans-se » Continue Reading

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BIRTHDAY [SpecilPrize]!!1!!!!!

Category: SpaceHey

[[]] IS [[1]] YEARS OLD TODAY!!1!!!!!1! HAHEHAEHAHEAHA !!1!!!!!!!111!!!!!1 I HAVE MET SO MANY [Loyal Customers] HERE ON THIS [[Fine Evening]] Y YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [[Thanks For Watching]]!!!11!!!!!!11!1!! AND ALW AYS REMEMBER!!1... » Continue Reading

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[Fake News] ACCUSATIONS!!!!!!111

Category: Life

I AM NOT A [[Spambot]]??!?!?!!?!?!?!/1!?1/1?1/!/!1/1/1 I AM SPAMTON!!!11! !!!1!!!!!1! ADDISON FAMILY [[IN REAL LIFE CHALLENGE]]!!11!!!!!! » Continue Reading

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Category: Life

HOW DO I????????????? ?????????????//????????/? I AM GONNA [[dying]] HErE!!!111!!!!! [For the low low price of]!!!1!!!!!!! IF I DON'T LEARN!!!1!1!!1! OR MAYBE POOR LITTLE [DARLING] SPAMTON SH0ULD JUST [[Quit That Crying]] AND [Skip Ad] :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((:(:(:(:( » Continue Reading

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FUN AND [Dress Up]!!!1

Category: Games

THESE ARE SO [[Fun Four All The Famly!!!]]!!!!!!! I MADE IT INTO MYSELF [Multiple Occasions] HAEHAHEHAHEAAHAHEHA!!!!11!!!1111 WHAT A PRETTY [[Sunglasses]]!!! !!!111!!11! » Continue Reading

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