One of the reasons I always try to find alternate web browsers and the like is, though Google is an entrenched (necessary?) evil, it should not be surrendered to and permitted to completely set web standards. If you've seen any of my posts, I long for the good old "Wild West" era of the internet when it comes to not only social » Continue Reading
Roller the Robot taste tests General Mills Golden Grahams Cereal , and discovers his home seems to also have some little blue people wandering about. » Continue Reading
Yes I think Tangled is a better movie than Frozen . It is perhaps only lacking in having a catchy musical tune - Though it makes up for it in a solid story. Why? Simple. It has a story arc. Even secondary characters are allowed a payoff. And this is probably gonna anger some people, it follows a traditional structure. » Continue Reading
Sharr Khan, and his wife enjoy a private carnal moment during an official event. Sharr Khan drank his tea, its smoky bite and citrus tang stimulated his taste buds. The Shotar considered, he’d need to commission more of this succulent blend. Gathered for a casual brunch before going off to inspect Numai, the Shotar sat beside Raj Nar » Continue Reading
Blurb: Candy Calvin has it all. She’s a respected robopsychologist who specializes in the care and feeding of robots, particularly those belonging to Los Angeles’ wealthy elite. Her best friend Susannah helps Candy run her practice. The only thing Candy is missing is someone special with whom she can shar » Continue Reading
M4's The Hobbit Book Edit , is probably the best version of Peter Jackson 's Hobbit Trilogy . As I've said before less is more when it comes to The Hobbit. There's no good reason this needed to be three bloated movies. In the case o » Continue Reading
There are myriad issue's with David Lynch's DUNE . However, we know for a fact Frank Herbert endorsed it - For whatever that's worth. The Spice Diver Fan » Continue Reading
Astra Lost in Space , is pretty amazing. I don't know how I can talk about it without ruining the surprises. I'll put it like this. If you enjoy Battlestar Galactica , without all the angst, this is the show for you. This anime is able to be smart, while also maintaining its sense of fun. It ticks all the expected anime boxes » Continue Reading
Years after the battle of Endor, a new danger threatens the galaxy. It's up to Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewie to once more rise to the challenge! » Continue Reading
A Gunstar, relishes her ability to traverse the cosmos, and takes pleasure in her planetfall. Warping-out to normal space, the Gunstar orgasmed. Forward-swept wings, tipped by lethal pulse cannons, extended from a flat angular fuselage. Four tail-wings were orientated at right angles in order to achieve atmospheric stability. » Continue Reading
I like swords and of course blades play a role in my stories. I now have every blade or its nearest to reality replica as it appears within The Federal Galactic Empire Series , in my possession. Sometimes, its just useful to be able to hold a thing in your hand. These blades are: » Continue Reading