
""they only want you when you're 17, when you're 21 you're no fun""
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Category: Dreams and the Supernatural
i had a nightmare last night where I learned that Markiplier died. Throughout the dream I kept bringing up how excited I was for Mark's new video, to which the person I was talking to would respond with "Markiplier died 7 years ago dude didn't you hear" and I'd be like "WHAT???? HE DID?????". Rinse and repeat. I hope this isn't like a sign that he's actually gonna die lol » Continue Reading
this zero sugar baja blast isn't fixing my depression
Category: Blogging
"well fuck me gently with a chainsaw!" » Continue Reading
— 1 Comment— 2 Kudos
"who are you?"
Category: Life
A stupidly vague question that takes lifelong intro/extrospection to get an answer to. An answer that never stays the same for long if you actually live your life. Why do we want the answer to this question so bad? » Continue Reading
— 2 Kudos
has life always been this shitty
Category: Life
It seems that I and everyone I know is sad now. We're all depressed, hopeless, and clinging on to any shred of positivity we can find. We're all trying to distract ourselves from what's going on outside, and we all hate ourselves for it. Has the word always been this depressing? Have we all always been this suicidal?? » Continue Reading
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if you love making OCs so much why don't you just have a REAL kid?
Category: Life
just a thought » Continue Reading
— 1 Kudos
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
been wanting to watch it for a while. finally watched the first episode today, i wasn't dissapointed. She's so me fr (but way cooler) » Continue Reading
Blog might die lol
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
ive observed that ppl use bulletins instead of the blog function to post random shit so like! ig my funny goofy stuff is going on bulletins?? lmao » Continue Reading
Garlic butter on my keyboard
Category: Blogging
I was eating stuffed breadsticks and garlic sauce and it dripped on my keyboard FML HOW AM I GONNA GET THE GREASE OFFFFFF!!!! » Continue Reading