You may have noticed some inactivity for the very few of you who actually check in on my blogs. This is for a few reasons, so I'll do a little life update! I moved! (and more) First of all... Moving is INCREDIBLY stressful. Those of you who have had to move for one reason or another get it, but it's also VERY TIRING for someone like me, who has had to move 9 times in my life and is looking » Continue Reading
Whether the recent (to this posting) holidays, a birthday, or just purchasing it for yourself, you have come into ownership of a... LP Vinyl Record Wax or otherwise! Lotta of names, all the same. Nice! This kind of object is coveted for its audio quality and its vintage feel, as well as the beautiful album artwork that comes with it! ... ... What now? How to make the most of a recently » Continue Reading
Do YOU want to make your own CUSTOM CASSETTE TAPES?!?! Do YOU have a walkman or a working tape deck?!?! Are you TIRED of having to buy tapes of old stuff cuz all your current fav bands don't make cassettes?!?! Do you WANT to be able to hold your Spotify/Apple Music playlists in the PALM OF YOUR HAND?!??! Do you CRAVE the nostalgia of the shitty Lo-Fi sound that a cassette tape plays?!?! THEN I HAV... » Continue Reading
Hello! I'm Mack, and this is a Blog post in which I will describe the various pieces of Military Surplus I own, where I got it, and a brief look at its history! IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO JOIN THE ONLY MILITARY SURPLUS GROUP ON SPACEHEY, CLICK HERE ! » Continue Reading
Hello! I'm Mack, and this is a Blog post in which I will describe the various pieces of Military Surplus I own, where I got it, and a brief look at its history! IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO JOIN THE ONLY MILITARY SURPLUS GROUP ON SPACEHEY, CLICK HERE ! Today we are looking at the Swiss M70 "Alp » Continue Reading
This one is lengthy, so stick with me. As of right now, I am listening to far more music played solely on piano. I feel like I needed a calm playlist, and now I have it! There are very specific examples of music I have listened to recently that I feel bear major significance: » Continue Reading
well, here is my first blog. I dont have anything to put here lol. uhhhh if anyone can make a spinning cassette tape gif or a spinning 12" LP gif so i can figure out how to put those on my profile that would be baller » Continue Reading