You may have noticed some inactivity for the very few of you who actually check in on my blogs.
This is for a few reasons, so I'll do a little life update!
I moved! (and more)
First of all...
Moving is INCREDIBLY stressful. Those of you who have had to move for one reason or another get it, but it's also VERY TIRING for someone like me, who has had to move 9 times in my life and is looking at several more in the future. That being said, when you move around this much, you kind of know what to expect. Can't really get too settled or certain though, because in a couple of years when my boyfriend moves out to the US to live with me, I'll be in a new apartment again, so we'll see...
At least now I'm in a house! It's a weird situation, but to keep it brief, a family friend moved to Denmark and left their home behind. They wanted to keep the house in the family, so we're renting from them. Not a bad gig!
I've got my last semester of Community College coming up, and I have to prepare. I'm taking six classes this semester and I'm going to be doing that WHILE working. Not fun. That being said, I will be graduating with two degrees. I'll be graduating with an AAT in Global Studies (for transfer to University) and an AA in Social and Behavioral Sciences. That second one was a complete accident, by the way. I was originally just going for the AAT, and when I talked to a counselor to make sure I was all set for graduation, he mentioned I was only two classes away from getting two degrees at the same time, so here I am now.
I got a medical disqualification letter from the military, which sucks. BUT I have an appointment for a medical consult so I can get a medical waiver so I can still serve! Serving in the military is a path toward degrees at a university and a stable career, so I'm really gunning for it. It's also a chance to further my career in post-military life! In the meantime, I'll just keep preparing myself physically and mentally. I've been going to the gym quite often for the last couple of weeks. Not only is it a nice way to get exercise, it's good for stress relief as well! Here is a picture of me from a couple of hours ago. I dunno what it is, but being nice and strong for my bf makes me feel good
Anyway, that's pretty much it. I'll try to get a blog out about military surplus or music or something before the semester starts next week. Till next time.
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