Literally how I feel about music
Category: Music
Funny this song is old, but still true to this day (^_^;) » Continue Reading
swedish ♀
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Category: Music
Funny this song is old, but still true to this day (^_^;) » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
Something I never understood and probably never will understand is why people pay for streaming services (movies, books, music etc). You're continuously paying for a subscription of something you don't own, that can be taken from you by the owners at any time they want. Back in the day if you borrowed something (from a library or similar) like you basically do in this case, it was free. And in the... » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
This IS a cozy shirt (。・ω・。) body{ background-image:url(; color: black; } :root { - » Continue Reading
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Category: Music
I've always been a solid Jpop fan, and never cared too much for Kpop other than a few songs, but lately I've been exploring some of the older Kpop units and I must say that I actually really like them... It's almost like I'm becoming a Kpop fan (never thought I'd say it (O_o)) I have never hated Kpop, just thought it's been a bit overhyped. Anyway here are some oldies that I think are very nice! (... » Continue Reading
Category: Games
Anyone familiar with these? :o It's like a Tamagotchi, but you can "touch" it, to interact with it. Which also shows up on the screen. Kinda breaking the fourth wall (^^;) » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
I was just busy! With classes and stuff... What else happened? Hmm not that much, I celebrated my birthday, and got sick (=_=) I've also changed my spacehey layout. Even though I lo » Continue Reading
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Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping
Well kinda (^^;) body{ background-image:url(; color: black; } :root { --logo-blue: » Continue Reading
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Category: Music
2010's Japanese music and listens to KPP and Perfume but not Capsule At least I haven't seen them being talked about as much (>_ » Continue Reading
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Category: Music
I read about bimbopop in an article from 2005 and wanted to share some classic songs. Imo they are cringe but at the same time pretty good. Some are really nostalgic to me! I wouldn't say that bimbopop is a music genre on it's own, since most of these are just bubblegum dance or plain 90's/00's pop, but they all have slightly bimbo-ish visuals or themes. So I think they fit in u » Continue Reading
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Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping
I found the shoes of my dreams 😍 Tbf I say that about all shoes... but I love them so much. I've been wan » Continue Reading
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Category: Music
That I think are staple when it comes to 90's euro house, for anyone that's interested. Sorry if any of the music videos are cringey (>_ » Continue Reading
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Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping
Whenever I'm on pinterest or reading old fashion magazines I love to see all the pretty makeup ads. They really knew how to target to people like me And when I saw this ad I was reminded that I actually have a similar lipgloss... » Continue Reading