i want what she has. the money the fame and the power- sure. but the relationships, the travel and the experiances, the food and the games the late nights and long hugs. I envy it as much as I know she deserves it. cause she does. i wonder if its just the freedom of being an adult but im not naive enough, iv seen society. it may be a luck thing. to have a life like hers..luck. hardwork doesnt c... » Continue Reading
boiiiiiiiii, your homie (me) has always been about that enemies to lovers type shit but I also have realised that damn, couples that started out as friends to lovers are also not that bad. It doesnt always have to be black and white and due to a lot of my personal problems a lot of things are black and white so the relisation that humans in general could care for each other as friends and grow clo... » Continue Reading
Cause iv been matureing at a rapid rate the past few years and only just been relising how toxic my family is, I always associeted car trips as bad- I knew every SINGLE TIME no shot- ma, dad and my younger sis and me were in a car together their would be yelling and not the nice kind. Just recently though I was thinking about how much time we acually spend together 4/4 and thats literally only at... » Continue Reading
yoski, some one on this website should travel with me to England, or if you already live there then go places with me. Am I romanticising a country?? maybe. I long for the bars and cafes and the cities and the accents and the nightlife and the stupid rock beaches cause I like collecting stones. I crave to fight with someone their and be sad and angry and disgusted there and i crave to always be co... » Continue Reading
broskis. darlings. ever be listening to a song (headphones +1) and you have to physiclly stop yourself from sending t h a t message or doing t h a t thing becuase your not in the right mindset like wtf?? Music is insane now pair it with some good weed or phycadelics ...and you have yourself a vibe » Continue Reading