Cause iv been matureing at a rapid rate the past few years and only just been relising how toxic my family is, I always associeted car trips as bad- I knew every SINGLE TIME no shot- ma, dad and my younger sis and me were in a car together their would be yelling and not the nice kind.
Just recently though I was thinking about how much time we acually spend together 4/4 and thats literally only at dinner time 5/7 days a week (shift workers). And i was thinking hmm why is that? why do we as a family interact so infrequently all together and instead of dissociating at dinner like I normally do or avoid conversations- I came to an almost terrifying realisation, every time my family is 4/4 all together it starts, ends or has a yelling match in the middle of it and somone always gets hurt (or multiple).
I wish I was jokeing when I say e v e r y t i m e it is 4/4 but im not even if a friend is with us if its 4/4 boom its like a trigger. Now the reasons those fights start vary as well from just between my parents or between a parent and me or my sister or between both us sisters which in the later two both parents end up interjecting anyways.
Witnessing my parents fight is part of the trauma i posses from a young age but that mostly was from being able hear them from the other side of the house or listneing incase a loud bang happens and I have to step in (less now that im older and they see me less as an innocent child and more of a pain cause i dont want to be in danger) but yeah 4/4?? nah. makes me wonder exactly how normal it is for other people:) chile thats my rant for tonight.
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