The ealiest shows of Indian civilization is around the Indus River Valley, in 3500-1500BCE. The region had an amazing flood plane to build on helping urbanization. This can be seen in the cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. In these cities there are features such as standardized brick patters, grid like street system used to catch the breeze, with sewage systems and baths. This region had things s... » Continue Reading
Dinosaurs in Ancient Egypt Claim: There are Plesiosaurs in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. Context: The Plesiosaur lived in the Mesozoic Era, 65-200 million years ago. So how is it in Egyptian Hieroglyphs? While this does look like a Plesiosaur, looks can be deceiving. This is a common talking point for young earth th » Continue Reading
Preface: this was from a video talking about a common belief that ancient sumerian tablets depict spaceships or something of that nature. The source material is from a GREAT channel called FringePop123, a side project belonging to Dr. Micheal S. Heiser, he has great content on ancient near eastern, and Semitic topics. His content is usually short form but packed of good information, and often has ... » Continue Reading
**What is Deonotology?** Deontology is one of the most popular theories of ethics in the world. Deontology focuses on right action, instead of good consequences and virtuous people. It is one of the 3 major branhces of Ethics. Theories that state which actions are permissible, impermissible and obligatory, are generally considered Deontological. **Rules!** Deontologists focus specifically on rules... » Continue Reading
Preface: This topic deserves more research on my part, this was just some notes I took a while ago that I thought id add. I know there is much more to this topic, i just need to find time to write some quality notes on it. I plan to eventually go through each theory listed in-depth, and others that werent listed. These notes do go into some antisemitism focused concepts, im not endorsing it, but t... » Continue Reading
Preface: This is apart of a series of notes I plan on taking on Epistemology, Metaphysics, Logic and Ethics. Ill append the source material in the comment section, along with some recommended reading and/or sources for further study. =============================== Originally metaphysics started with the existence or being, things like first causes, or things that dont change. This has grown over ... » Continue Reading
PREFACE: This was supposed to be more organized and part of a whole notebook on the apostolic age and christian history as a whole. Ill continue the notes eventually, but for now ill leave this here. ================================================================ Early Church was pretty localized until Peter was called to go on mission. it was ~8 years before any Gentiles joined the church During... » Continue Reading
Disclaimer: Written in Obsidian in markdown, so formatting may be funky. This is just notes, not a tutorial or anything like that. thus the [Note] tag. **Terminology** *Axiomatic Belief*: A principle or belief wifely regarded as true based on its intrinsic merit, or self-evident nature. **What is Epistemology?** The study of knowledge, the study of what is necessary and sufficient to know somethin... » Continue Reading