Birdie the parrot
Category: Blogging
any of you remember this name from 2015? Epoch meme triggering any flashbacks for you guys wonder what happened to them » Continue Reading
"breathe in a pool"
give me pronoun
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Category: Blogging
any of you remember this name from 2015? Epoch meme triggering any flashbacks for you guys wonder what happened to them » Continue Reading
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
This time loop bullshit is pissing me off » Continue Reading
— 3 Comments— 10 Kudos
Category: Music
imagine this. you found this really cool song you love, you show it to your friend or family member. and you can immediately feel the awkwardness as you guys just sit there and you really start thinking, why am i listening to this shit. and feeling so embarrassed you just made your moment to talk with them awkward as fuck and it feels like eternity for the song to end, you don't wanna put them or ... » Continue Reading
Category: Games
Games like this do not deserve being thrown away man i mean have you seen the rampant fanbase it has theres fucking made up characters that arent even in the game people created for their own miniseries to milk views that have plushies and the people that milk garten of banban out of irony are funny as hell yeah you can make jokes about mascot horror and stuff with it but making shit up in general... » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
If you play the song of saya you might understand what I'm talking about, seeing the world would be so cool if it was just covered in mass amounts of flesh i have always wanted this deep down a few years ago for science class the teacher asked us to draw our own planet and mime was a giant flesh ball with an eye in the middle. Could you guys imagine it though it would be like god was real we would... » Continue Reading
Category: Games
Hi im Narf. Im 5 and i use spacehey.. well at least i used to... before i DIED at the hands of another spacehey users.. One day i was writing a blog about my minecraft server and i got a comment before it was even posted, it asked me if i want to play a game. I didnt know what they meant so i closed spacehey and loaded up minecraft. little did i know that is where i would meet my death.... Herobri... » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
If the planet was the size of jupiter maybe people wouldn't be so annoying to be around, youd just be happy to finally interact with someone and i mean being alone can create all kinds of people. including assholes but still » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
not customizable enough, you all like fucking around a little with html right? you like adding cool stamps and stickers to your profile at least, wouldn't you want to be able to change your skin color or anything or replace any of your body parts with something more convenient for you or just looks cool, not to mention the whole existance of VRchat and how its become a meme that some people just s... » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
nevermind questions ruined i cant believe your blood isnt actually blue when its on the inside thats a letdown » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
humans shouldnt ever have made it past monkeys shit i mean we have the ability to create such cool stories but, that isnt enough man. its actually painful thinking if i was born in a different dimension or as a different animal life would be so much cooler and of all the things i just became a fuckin human what do you even do as a human you cant fly or shapeshift or do anything cool and we even pu... » Continue Reading