ATTENTION! there is a project called "The Willow Project" where a company called ConocoPhillips will drill a lot of oil and gas into Alaska, which will generate 9.2 million metric tons of carbon pollution a year. All I am asking is that you please help save our planet just by taking a few minutes to either sign a petition or donate to stop the willow project. Here are some links to petitons & don... » Continue Reading
1. Name? (feel free to skip this one) Joey :) 2. Any nicknames at all? Twiggy 3. What's your sexuality? I'm panzexual :) 4. What are your pronouns? I use he/they/it 5. What's your gender? I am a tranzgender demiboy! 6. Are you dating someone at all (platonic, romantic or sexual)? Yep (^_^) 7. Would you ever date someone, wheth » Continue Reading
juzt recently had my firzt day of 9th grade!!! it zucked T-T I know 2 ppl and theyre pretty nice but I only have 2 classes with one of them and the other perzon is a junior zo I dont zee them except during dizmizzal :/ zo im pretty lonely : < I DONT MIND THO!! I LIKE BEING ALONE :D anywayzzz, updatez coming zoon O_o » Continue Reading
GUYZZ I juzt had my FIRZT EVER GUITAR ZHOWCASE!!! I played Nowhere (Wednezday 13 verzion bc I hav an acouztic guitar) and I did actually pretty good!! Thiz iz literally the biggezt confidence boozt of my WHOLE LIFEEE!!! The next zhowcaze will be after I ztart vocal lezzonz zo I can zing & play guitar for da next zhowcze! I think im gonna do Crybaby - Deztroy Boyz :3 btw z = s ALR BYE BYE!! (^o^)/ » Continue Reading
zchool iz juzt zo draininggggg rn TwT i dont underztand what zome ppl mean when they do ztuff and i am zo far behind with work like i juzt dont underztand ANYTHINGG!!! idk if im even getting out of 8th grade rn :( But im trying my best! ^_^ » Continue Reading
I updated meh profile ^_^ bc I haven’t uzed Zpacehey in zooooo long T-T I can’t zhow a be4 and after unfortunately:( but my new profile iz black & red, haz a ghost curzor, and playz Zlipknot automatically *o* Thatz all, BYE BYE *\(^o^)/* » Continue Reading
Hiiiii zo i haven't been on here in a WHILE but I juzt wanted 2 ztop by and give ya'll an update on my lifeeee!!! Zo firzt of all, I GOT A BOYFRIEND!!! We meet on twitter and sadly he lives in Canada (I'm in the USA), but i ztill love him a lot » Continue Reading
Zo 2 thingz: I got glazzez for my rly bad eyezight. They r rly cool but my mom zayz I look like the zteryotypical nerd bc I hav zitz, bracez, and now glazzez. I ztill look cool tho and I feel like Richie Tozier from IT (⌐▨_▨) I have ztarted being more muzical/creative and I have almozt a full zong written, I juzt need to finish making a melody, make a few more lyricz, and record it (^▽^) » Continue Reading