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/*==========⚠️========== * for colors go to https://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-names * for fonts go to https://fonts.google.com * for cursors go to https://icons8.com or https://www.cursors-4u.com ============⚠️==========*/ * { cursor: url('https://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursors/cur-11/cur1054.cur'), auto; } a:hover { cursor: url(https://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursors/cur-11/cur1049.cur), auto; } /* this is... » Continue Reading
/*==========⚠️========== * for colors go to https://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-names * for fonts go to https://fonts.google.com * for cursors go to https://icons8.com or https://www.cursors-4u.com ============⚠️==========*/ * { cursor: url('https://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursors/cur-11/cur1054.cur'), auto; } a:hover { cursor: url(https://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursors/cur-11/cur1049.cur), auto; } /* this is... » Continue Reading
/*==========⚠️========== * for colors go to https://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-names * for fonts go to https://fonts.google.com * for cursors go to https://icons8.com or https://www.cursors-4u.com ============⚠️==========*/ * { cursor: url('https://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursors/cur-11/cur1054.cur'), auto; } a:hover { cursor: url(https://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursors/cur-11/cur1049.cur), auto; } /* this is... » Continue Reading
/*==========⚠️========== * for colors go to https://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-names * for fonts go to https://fonts.google.com * for cursors go to https://icons8.com or https://www.cursors-4u.com ============⚠️==========*/ * { cursor: url('https://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursors/cur-11/cur1054.cur'), auto; } a:hover { cursor: url(https://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursors/cur-11/cur1049.cur), auto; } /* this is... » Continue Reading
/*==========⚠️========== * for colors go to https://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-names * for fonts go to https://fonts.google.com * for cursors go to https://icons8.com or https://www.cursors-4u.com ============⚠️==========*/ * { cursor: url('https://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursors/cur-11/cur1054.cur'), auto; } a:hover { cursor: url(https://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursors/cur-11/cur1049.cur), auto; } /* this is... » Continue Reading
/*==========⚠️========== * for colors go to https://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-names * for fonts go to https://fonts.google.com * for cursors go to https://icons8.com or https://www.cursors-4u.com ============⚠️==========*/ * { cursor: url('https://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursors/cur-11/cur1054.cur'), auto; } a:hover { cursor: url(https://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursors/cur-11/cur1049.cur), auto; } /* this is... » Continue Reading
/*==========⚠️========== * for colors go to https://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-names * for fonts go to https://fonts.google.com * for cursors go to https://icons8.com or https://www.cursors-4u.com ============⚠️==========*/ * { cursor: url('https://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursors/cur-11/cur1054.cur'), auto; } a:hover { cursor: url(https://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursors/cur-11/cur1049.cur), auto; } /* this is... » Continue Reading