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Category: Blogging

meet the me: scrungle edition


IMPORTANT: i'm a recovering agoraphobic. i still struggle a lot. i'm sorry


call me e.
i don't rly talk to ppl much or have a big online presence, but hi there!

▶ i'm genderqueer and pretty reserved, but if u wanna be friends i'm down. no minors tho, being friends w minors is rly difficult and i'm not here to shape u as a parental figure would. pls respect this.

▶ not interested in drama or any community infighting stuff so leave me out of that pls.

▶ don't expect anything more than platonic from me and don't push my boundaries. i don't mess around w that kinda thing and will just cut u out.

▶ i play games a lot so check out my steam and we can chat abt shared interests. i don't usually play multiplayer games and won't use a mic, so if that's not a problem hmu.

▶ i have a lot of interests, so if u wanna start a convo w me but don't know how to do so, just ask me if i like this or that. chances r that i do or i'll be interested in whatever it is. if not i'll try to avoid awkwardness and keep the convo flowing.

persistent interests:
♥ games: minecraft, dating sims, 
mental health indie games
♥ romance and childcare comics (obsessed w leonia boleoti from 'i became the male lead's adopted daughter' curretnly)
♥ horror comics/art, particularly relating to body/ psychological horror
♥ ttrpgs (all my friends play d&d but i wanna try so many other ttrpgs)
♥ 99% of all music i've ever heard, big fan specifically of stuff that makes it hard to think tho (ie. EDM, extremely low fidelity, loud, illegible lyrics, screamo)

also i read homestuck so here's some cringey homestuck stuff:
♥ page of void
♥ dersite
♥ teal blood

>added some interests and changed some text
>added the top warning label
>added scrungle

6 Kudos


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