well i did see her with a bat and she poked the bat with something the bat the animal she poked him its like dont poke a animal dont hurt them thats wrong but i guess gaby didnt care though but if she tells me to do something i will try to get mad at her becz i said what in mean way to her online and she is 40 years old so if she trys any thing im going to do something abck to her i already did... » Continue Reading
but why did gaby make u blue like u know she stalks sad boi alex on you now you now the streaming app so why did she make u blue does she like u or something becz how u are and profile name is she doesnt care about me she dioesnt care about most stuff i say to her or to my self she doesnt care though any way she knows my real name becz i damn told her whitch i shouldnt have but oh well she ... » Continue Reading
becz people on there they already called me a bitch a emo bitch and i already got made fun of haveing crocked back and nf diease so why did i meet people and they want me to feel shame baout my body thats like bullying online if people wanted me to feel shame about my body i cant control my scololcess or nf diease becz i cant its like then why am i alive if most boys make fun of me or caliling... » Continue Reading
but i have birth marks thats a sign of nf diease i was born with thoses marks scents bascally my hole life i dont like when kids say what happend to ur back becz its long story for them dont want to tell them then they will be sad for me some people will feel bad for me but if its like mean people they dont care they would laugh at me i have tryed to k » Continue Reading
but is it bad me listening to day to remember over my head that song i keep on listeing to that why is it becz its good to me or i like it good god whats wrong with me » Continue Reading
hi im a emo girl im 22 and from usa but i do like johnnie guilbert music and jake bateman but i like oother music like green day and stuff like that though but i have diease called nf and scoliosis crooked back but i did have sergry and stuff becz i had toumer in my back and left leg but i got sergry for that and i had cemo and stuff so my mom did drugs smoke and drank acohol when she was pre... » Continue Reading
iLLusionEmo22 im on level 24 but why would people on there be friends with me i had mean people calling me a emo bitch and made fun of me have diease and scololcess they made me cry about the spine thing i have but the bitch thing little made me cry but i guess when i used the emo word people did start hateing on me this on guy did » Continue Reading