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Category: Life

i dont know

i cant be friends with them if they did that now

4s ago Reply

katie mills965 · Creator

u where happy when he laughed at it now ur mad or upset like sad about it oh my god so u not going to be friends with him any more or whats the deal

24s ago Reply

katie mills965 · Creator

i know ben shouldnt have done that if he was going to do that like say something about there song s then ur not fan u just person who laughs at them

1m ago Reply

katie mills965 · Creator

but he does that alot though he will try to make johnnie guilbert or jake bateman go down he trys to bring them down and thats not right

4m ago Reply

katie mills965 · Creator

why would ben laugh about johnnie guilbert u dont dersrve that at ll

6m ago Reply

katie mills965 · Creator

i told people on twitter about what ben said about johnnie guilbert

5m ago Reply

katie mills965 · Creator

does ben dont like johnnie and he thinks he is funny when he made a christmas song its not funny if he made a christmas song i only laughed at ben

4m ago Reply

katie mills965 · Creator

well when u are fan of them and others then thats why ben wasnt good true friend to u becz even he laughs who knows if its a joke or thats making

3m ago Reply

katie mills965 · Creator

fun of there songs becz when u laugh some times it can be mean or rude or they do it becz they are nevrouis to say it what to think about them

2m ago Reply

katie mills965 · Creator

but i only laugh at them if they do something funny

1m ago Reply

katie mills965 · Creator

not the johnnie thing

4m ago Reply


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