i would like to master, or atleast have a great, perhaps even unparalleled understanding of astrology along with some occultic practices/studies similar. i just want to understand how i function, and perhaps even foretell some events in my life, along with conditions to follow during astrological lessons. talking about astrology, i just want to voice an opinion of mine. i dont really like the amo... » Continue Reading
i actually want to escape everyone in my whole entire life right now. once its march im gonna sleep, eat, and then sleep again. i want to completely disconnect from everything, and live in my mind palace of heightened, detailed depictions of sensations, and dreams that amuse me! » Continue Reading
i feel like so many things (people included) are getting on my nerve. i hope that this is some beneficial lesson, or test of my own attitude towards people because ill literally fucking rip, and slit everyones throat i fucking swear i hate everyone! but its ok, im just overreacting, really. i just need to keep coding, and writing til my hands fall off! including my feet. ill write with my feet, to... » Continue Reading
i feel like im in the middle of figuring, and reconstructing my identity. i really hope i can find myself during this solar return (my asc is in capricorn). i want to be myself. » Continue Reading
i do believe mutual interests may lead to a more comfortable, and expressive connections but it just seems weird to me that alot of people just reject connection between others based on their interests rather than their compatibility » Continue Reading
another ramble, this relates to my first blog entry but i just dont like it when people categorizes others by labels then apply a static impression of each label then expect those who do not conform; to, well, somehow conform just for their own comfort. this topic can go many ways but in this blog entry ill be focusing on romance, or rather; relationships, specifically the fictional kind. another ... » Continue Reading
i hate how were all divided by stance, or tangible, physical aspects. especially politics. ofcourse, i do not like politics myself but i hate how the two main stances are handling conflict against each other. please inform me, but never have i heard of such a policy that tried to bring the two sides of conservative, and liberal together in a promise of neutrality and critical reasoning. i do someh... » Continue Reading
i think were all categorizing each other, and ourselves in some way. in popular platforms; we brand identity, we label aesthetics, we purchase products that seem to embody an archetype we want to achieve, we create microlabels that seem to only ever be a reference for what we want to be rather than describing the state of being. like for example; i notice individuals who identify as women seem to ... » Continue Reading