another ramble, this relates to my first blog entry but i just dont like it when people categorizes others by labels then apply a static impression of each label then expect those who do not conform; to, well, somehow conform just for their own comfort. this topic can go many ways but in this blog entry ill be focusing on romance, or rather; relationships, specifically the fictional kind. another term for relationships is "ships", and i do not want to take any stance on it but i do find it weird when people try to force their own preference of ships over one another, whether it is homo over hetero, or hetero over homo ships i still dont believe we, as a collective, or rather the general public should bash eachother for preference. this could also apply with other interpretations of fictitious material, like interpretations of a characters appearance, gender identity, so on, so forth.
ill try to go into more depth once i rewrite this. i hope this is coherent enough for someone to understand.
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