i would like to master, or atleast have a great, perhaps even unparalleled understanding of astrology along with some occultic practices/studies similar. i just want to understand how i function, and perhaps even foretell some events in my life, along with conditions to follow during astrological lessons.
talking about astrology, i just want to voice an opinion of mine. i dont really like the amount of intimate, romantical, sexual posts that surround the topic of astrology. i do understand that yes, people may use astrology to read descriptions about their love life, and so on so forth but it just seems like people; 1. dont really register that astrology isnt the core of any being, and is only a combination of birth data that may lay out some fundamentals of a being existence but never truly embodying the energy (unless it is completely prominent). 2. rely on interpretations of a single placement rather than their whole chart as one placement cannot dictate your whole psyche, (unless, again if its completely prominent but the point still stands nonetheless), and thats what i believe is the problem with romance astrology, including with the pop-culture understanding of astrology itself.
i couldnt decide on whether to format the longer paragraph before, or after the shorter sentences so you could just read them interchangeably
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