Take my dating quiz! Ive been in a commited relationship for 5 years so this is just for funsies. here the link! Battycat's Dating Application Have fun! I look forward to recieving your answers~ » Continue Reading
Music Survey[: Music Survey[: Music Questions~! 1. What are you listening to right now, if anything? 2. What’s the last song you listened to completely? » Continue Reading
Scenekid Kicks! I found dis super cute old pic of me and bailey.! We went out for a night on da town~ it was so much fun! I think this was the first night i tried a pink lady! the best mixed drink ive ever tried! i got my cannabis corpse shirt on :3 and isnt my friend so cute!? luv her! im rockin the vans and she rockin the converse :3 so cute! so cute! anyway » Continue Reading
HIIII so as a crazy person i have to take a lot of medication. nothing wrong with that, i gotta keep myself alive. BUT. some people have issues with that. saying things like "just go outside" "just take a walk" "just exersise" JANET. I DO /JUST/ THAT. AND I STILL WANNA THROW MYSELF IN FRONT OF A TRAIN. pls if you see your friends take medicine or notice theyre nervous to take medicine in front of ... » Continue Reading