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I love my phone way more than that
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural
Yooooooo. Last night I had the strangest dream. (No I didn't sail to China) From what I remember I was with my 4 cousins (I spend a lot of time with them. They're my best friends) and we were hiking in these really nice lush woods during the morning when the sun is casting rays onto everything. But we were in like some sort of box. Like you could see the corner of the box raise up into the skies ... » Continue Reading
— 1 Kudos
Prolly my most piece of absolute garbage entry yet. (I assume)
Category: Blogging
Oh wow. I was bout to start my really long extensive blog but I j realized school is ending. You're welcome for this very insightful blog. » Continue Reading
What the actual hell just happened (tennis)
Category: Sports
aHhhhhhhhhhhhhh i jsut got back from my first tennis tournament of the year and oml it honestly couldn't have gone worse. For some insight, I'm a pretty new player. I started tennis last year and just decided to stick with it and I guess I'm already in varsity? I think I'm like the 3rd,4th, or 5th player on our team but I like to think I'm pretty decent. Anyway, we started with a doubles match and... » Continue Reading
Who tf uses mobile games like be fr (Part 1)
Category: Games
That title is kind of a click bait considering I got nun against mobile games but I want to go on a discussion about them... myself (More like a rant) Anyway, like all stories, I should start at the beginning. Chiristmas. Sometime during 2013. My grandparents bought each other iPads. Some of the very first iPads ever. The iPad 4. The beginning of a revolution. A revolution of tablets floodi... » Continue Reading
Schul thoughts
Category: Blogging
mmmmmmmmmm. I mean, I don't hate school but gawd damn its boring as hell. My school has 7 periods in total and each day it alternates between the odd classes, and the even classes. So today is an even day. Even days are cool and all because I have classes with all of my friends but I actually have to do work on even days cause I've got English, Health, and Bio. On the other hand though, odd days... » Continue Reading
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Zombie Dreams ;)
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural
I swear I barely get to talk to anybody about my dreams cause like literally nobody cares but at least on here, I can say whatever I want and at least I don't get socially rejected right in front of me :) Anyway, I can't remember my most recent dreams but a discussion I like to have is catagorized dreams. For example, my most favorite type of dream is zombie apocalypse dreams. In the majority of ... » Continue Reading
— 3 Kudos
Category: Blogging
Bruh Spacehey is such a silly website like I only discovered it, like, yesterday.. and it's so fun. But like I was scrolling through the blogs and istg so many people are like DNIII!!!!! If you have a fucking opinion or personality!!! >:( Or even some people listing fucking elements like "DONT TALK TO ME IF YOUR SULFUR OR HYDROGEN. But phosphorus is totally cool ;)" or some ppl are like "All Abou... » Continue Reading
— 1 Kudos
Im j tryna post something so dont read this
Category: Games
I aint gonna lie, Nintendo is fr the best game company. HAND DOW- didn't mean to put on caps lock. Hands down, on God, no cap, fr. Like they've ut out absolute masterpieces such as Zelda, Kirby, Mariokart, Rhythm Heaven, Cooking Mama (I've never played it but it looks rly cool) and those are just the games. Like their consoles are so much fun. I, personallyz grew up with the majestic Wii. The epi... » Continue Reading
Dawg what is a bpog
Category: Blogging
Yeah. I'm geonitro. Funny story actually, I have a Native name and a substitute messed up the pronunciation so badly I got this monstrosity. Geonitro, which I use for almost everything. :) Uhm, anyway, I don't know what a blog is. This is j a funny website my friend (telemona_girl0) told me about. So follow my blog ig if you want to read absolute shit ig. (I'm not funny) Pshhhhhhh. What do I talk... » Continue Reading