Yeah. I'm geonitro.
Funny story actually, I have a Native name and a substitute messed up the pronunciation so badly I got this monstrosity. Geonitro, which I use for almost everything. :)
Uhm, anyway, I don't know what a blog is. This is j a funny website my friend (telemona_girl0) told me about. So follow my blog ig if you want to read absolute shit ig. (I'm not funny)
Pshhhhhhh. What do I talk about on a blog...
A bit about myself, I'm in HS, (Don't be creepy bout it) I have 2 dogs one small one big, I like drawing, I play piano and violin, I mainly play silly nintendo games like zelda, right now I'm rereading The Shining which is my favorite book of all time, (I've only read like 3 novels in my life) I'm rewatching The Amazing World of Gumball for the 7th time, I enjoy trying to bake, and that's about it ig.
Tell me how I did on my first blog ig or ask me questions...
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