so i can sing and i've been working on band lab stuff message me on the app if you wanna vibe and stuff probs gonna make Emo punk grunge music. » Continue Reading
I still can't believe that sicko isn't in jail yet. It's like the R-Kelly crap show all over again. Like I will admit that I like Botdf music well like some of the songs but Dahvie can rot in a hole. I hope he gets arrested and never sees the light of day as a free man ever again. So yeah there's my rant of the week » Continue Reading
Ok I just moved and I now live in a black house across from a cemetery which is AWESOME sorry I've been offline for a whilst.I'm back now so yeah :3 » Continue Reading
Alright so some stuff is going down. Me my mom and my little sister have been living with my dad for stupid reasons. Well currently he's being a really shitty human being to all of us and then gets made when we don't bend to his will. He treats my mom like shit calls my little sister Slave and called me bastard and bitch alot. . He gets mad when says something messed up and we don't like the joke.... » Continue Reading
Holy heck MCR just put out a new song and it's awesome like wow its called "The Foundations of Decay" here's the link Emo is 1000% back babies » Continue Reading
Hey everyone. So I've got cramps and it sucks but I took a midol so I'm ok but also I'm excited for August cuz my mom said she's gonna take me to a drag show convention in Calgary and I'm so hyped. I'm also currently watching A Live Mcr concert on YouTube so today is a pretty good Tuesday. » Continue Reading
found this site that lets you watch mostly every animated show/Film on there Daria yep beetle juice cartoon yep all the monster high movies etc etc every thing . .heres the link enjoy » Continue Reading
I am so happy rn cuz i got the best bday gift from my dad. it's a ipod classic and its like being 13 again.I really like oldish tech so this really made me feel ok lol . .(Link to pic below) » Continue Reading
So today may 4th is my 23rd birthday so yay.Me and my family are having the party this weekend so also yay i asked to go bowling cuz you don't have to know how to have fun. Also mom is gonna make me some of her awesome ribs so :3.I'm also getting my hair cut probs gonna be a messy pixie or punky undercut XP. . Song of the day is Grave by Stitched Up Heart see ya'll later 0w0 » Continue Reading
sometimes i feel like this shit hole we live on is gonna be nothing but hell but somedays i wake up and feel less shitty and really ok. » Continue Reading