So I started my college last monday. Im doing pretty good so far (knock on wood, knock, knock,) Im still a little nervous as to how ill do but so far in one class i have an A and in the other class i have a B so i hope i keep that up and at the same time i hope that B dont drop. Ill keep yall up dated and let you know » Continue Reading
today is a good day there is so much sun out and my husband has been working all day and we can finally ware shorts again i start classes tomorrow i'm so excited i'm going to be a drug councilor it true you can be this big drug addict an do something with your life been sober 2 years and here i am buying a house have custody of my baby girl and better my life not only for her but for me as well o... » Continue Reading
My daughter is so used to me being around that I wouldn't be able to leave her with anyone without sneaking away from her she I let my sister hold her last night while she was sleeping and when she realized it wasn't me she woke and was looking for me even though I was on the love seat shes so cute » Continue Reading
I had symptoms before but I didn't want to admit that something was wrong and the symptoms came very early in my pregnancy and everyone (friends) kept telling me I needed to take a test they even bought it and said " its here for when your ready for it" I had it for like 3 days I waited until I was alone and I took it and of course it popped up quickly the first person I told was liz who was my ve... » Continue Reading
From the moment I walked threw the door I was so confused on how my life ended up here at this point. The most scary part was when they where going threw my things I just wanted to go to sleep. But they make you do your laundry and shower and all that and then you have to go to class rehab isn't what tv makes you think it is you wake up at 6 for breakfast and a morning cigarette classes start at 7... » Continue Reading
So this isn't what my blog is about but I have a confession I use tanning lotion everyday because I want to be darker and not a omg she is dark more like wow you have beautiful skin because my dad is half indian (yes American indian) and he is so dark and I love it and my mom is pasty white and I'm a mix of the 2 already but I want to be darker like my dad so I put tanning lotion every morning and... » Continue Reading
When I was 24 I was kidnapped by a man who would drug me with meth and heroin I was tied to a toilet with a chain math gave me the high to stay alive heroin numbed me enough to where I could not move I couldn't fight he would rape me and rape me and feed me drugs I remember looking add a toilet and a chain for days it's all I could see and then one day he was on a Comedown and fell asleep I manag... » Continue Reading
It all started when I was 22 I tried it for the first time it was like it came natural to me the high I got was the best feeling in the world (I dont condone doing drugs) but that feeling took over me from that first hit I was already addicted and I didn't even know it I sat there for the next 3 days binging out on it I never felt that way before it was great I thought but I never want to feel tha... » Continue Reading
The first time I ever realized that my mom was on drugs I was 8 I woke up at 7 like a normal kid would do and she went to the bar the night before but she never brought the bar home with her until this day when they all where still awake laughing and not even noticing a child watching them I seen the meth pipe on the table next to the weed pipe and they of course grabbed it after i stood there for... » Continue Reading
One time when I was 9 my mom was doing the dishes and asked me to finish I told her that I didn't want to she looked at me and then punched me in the face (she broke my nose) my sister and her then got in a fist fight I didn't tell my grandma or the school what happened I just said that I was running and fell. My childhood wasn't the greatest and i have way more stories then i should and I'm here ... » Continue Reading
Remember the dial up sound a computer made and the choir at the beginning of a movie that was usually on VHS. Why dont we have these things anymore. These are things that we all grew up with. And idk if you can tell but my blog is about the things we remember but can never show these kids now. So comment things you remember and I'll blog about it » Continue Reading
Remember the good old days when you could ride your bike all over town and play with friends and all you had to do was be home when the street lights come on. Remember before mp3 players and iPods when you taped a radio to your bike and ride it threw the neighborhood. Where are these days where did they go? Can someone please tell me. » Continue Reading