the world began with Chaos, a vast, empty void. From this, the first deities appeared—Gaia, the Earth; Tartarus, the dark abyss; and Eros, the god of love and attraction Gaia, on her own, gave birth to Uranus, the Sky, and together, they created the mighty Titans. nasty right? just a bunch of incest and .. selfcest and ... yeah whatever look... ... nothing else matters lets fast-forward to when... » Continue Reading
ive always felt that i was not like the other people around me everyone else is so .. alike .. and I am different but even so the world is loud and so am I the people can hear that I am out of tune .. the people can tell there is something off , odd , peculiar , abnormal , unusual...(words synonyms etc) I'm going to be great one day I think or I'm gonna crash and burn like that meme my path... » Continue Reading
sometimes i realize that i am only a soul and this flesh prison encapsulating my thoughts prevents me from reaching the STARS sometimes I wonder if god destined me to be where I am today or somewhere along the lines he just forgot about me and moved on men have a way of forgetting about me and moving on I cant remember the last time a man has made me feel okay and happy maybe once maybe he mak... » Continue Reading
it feels like getting shot continuously and getting healed instantly I am Sisyphus and the ROCK is me,, at the same time I am Icarus before he chose to fly too high and drown to quote another one of my prior writings "I will drown in my terrible choices and my last words will be bleehhhh bleeet blaaaaaa, because I am a sheep" I truly believe that I am a product of those that came before me ... » Continue Reading
the world is not on my side nobody stands with me so I have to be happy alone I am happy alone so happy this is perfect so perfect ugh ugh. » Continue Reading