Allright! As promised in my last blog: A drinking game. Before we begin a small disclaimer: Drinking too much is harmful and you shouldnt drink excessively. No underage drinking, please . Games like this are meant to be fun and not to get hungover. You should hydrate » Continue Reading
Heya all, Gotta say having a work life balance is sometimes difficult af. But you gotta hang in there. Had an amazing weekend with friends. Friday we barbequed. Bought some ground beef, spiced it up and made some home made burgers. DE-LI-CIOUS!!! Saturday got even better when we celebrated a friends » Continue Reading
So today I randomly decided to join the blogging community. Heya everyone, work was fun right until the last 2 hours. You should know i work at a school and the last two hours were just a pain in the ass. Boring af sadly.. Hope to read some fun entries here and also post some random stuff. Thanks for having me » Continue Reading