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Category: Games

Kings Cup (Drinking Game)

Allright! As promised in my last blog: A drinking game.

Before we begin a small disclaimer:
Drinking too much is harmful and you shouldnt drink excessively. No underage drinking, please.
Games like this are meant to be fun and not to get hungover. You should hydrate a lot during any drinking session to reduce headaches. Take care of yourself and your friends!

Kings Cup is on of the funnier games out there. The rules are quite simple and adjustable as well.

- Drinks (Beer, Cocktails, low % Alcohol, Longdrinks)
- 1-2 decks of normal playing cards (Cards from "2" to "Ace"


- an empty (beer) bottle with no lid which is also as flat as possible
- an empty cup
- some friends


1. Place your empty bottle in the middle of the group.
2. Shuffle your cards and then spread them face down all around the bottle without leaving gaps.
3. Place the empty kings cup somewhere nearby.
4. The Game can begin.


1. Host begins the journey and then you just rotate clockwise through the group.
2. Draw any one of the cards.
3. Place drawn card face up on top of the empty bottle.
4. Do whatever the cards value dictates. (More about this in the Card Rules section
5. If the cards on top of the bottle fall because of your incompetence, you have to ex your drink. (You are now the reason everyone lost the Game T-T)
6. You crazy people win the game if you manage to put ALL cards on top of the bottle.
7. A sip is as much as anyone wants it to be. You are playing for fun, not to pay a visit to the hospital.

Card Rules: (specials are explained after this section)

2 - Give out 2 (decide 1 person who drinks 2 sips of their drink (or two people who drink 1)) 

3 - Give out 1 

4 - Give out 2 and Drink 2

5 - five for the guys (Gentlemen drink)

6 - for the chicks (Ladies drink)

7 - Thumbmaster (special)

8 - Make a Rule (special)

9 - Do a Rhyme (special)

10 - Everyone Drinks 1

J - Drinkbuddy(special)

Q - Questionmaster (special)

K - Kings Cup (special)

A - Give out 5


The person who successfully draws and palces special cards on top of the bottle will have a new role or may decide something:
(Dont overextend your powers, else the game is no fun.) 

Thumbmaster: Whenever you place your thumb VISIBLY on the table everyone else has to follow the lead. The last person to follow has to drink. You stay Thumbmaster until someone else becomes Thumbmaster by placing a 7 on the bottle.

Make a Rule: Decide on a rule everyone has to follow before drinking. If ANYONE (even rulemaker) forgets to comply, they have to drink one sip. (My favorite rules are:
- No one is allowed to say the word "I", "You" or "drink" (or any of its conjugated forms). Only One word per rule! 

Do a Rhyme: Decide on a proper word. Clockwise everyone must find a word which rhymes with given word. First to give up, repeat a word or say something that is clearly not rhyming has to take a sip.

Drinkbuddy: Designate someone in the game to be your buddy. Whenever this person has to drink, you drink and vice versa. (Maximum amount of drinkbuddies chained should be 3 people, but in the end it is up to you.)

Questionmaster: You have the power of an annoying Queen. You ask too many dumb questions. But now whenever someone answers them, they have to take a sip of their drink to endure your stupidity and partaking in it (gestures count as answering). Only one Queen may live. If someone else draws a queen the power goes over to the person who last drew the Queen.

Kings Cup: The Holy Grail. Whenever a King is drawn, the player decides a drink they want inside the Kings Cup. Then they fill the cup with 1/4 of said drink. After the third King and obviously after 3/4 of the Cup is full, you pray to not get the 4th Cup. The 4th person to draw a King has to fill the remaining quarter of the Cup with their own drink and then ex the entire Kings Cup.

All these special rules are changeable. So if you think one of these is lame or too much you can just adjust or change them.

If you something is unclear or I missed something just comment away!

A sip is as much as anyone wants it to be. You are playing for fun and not to land in a hospital.

Don´t make anyone drink if they are at their limits.

Damn this was longer than expected.
Hope you guys have fun!

1 Kudos


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