The antithesis of Rumpelstiltskin's Achilles Heel. What follows suit is the banquet; an inflation of the Eggo waffle. This is nourishment suitable for the likes of Paul Bunyan. » Continue Reading
I see verbal communication as a flawed concept. I believe this is partly by design and it stems back to the architects of society imposing illusory boundaries. We all offer a unique perspective but to sufficiently express that perspective can prove difficult. Each of us know something that no one else knows. That something may remain undisclosed due to the person being unable to find adequate mean... » Continue Reading
What follows is extremely controversial and not for the faint of heart. Please note that this is not intended as an insult or to be offensive to those who believe differently. However, considering I've been there I completely understand if some people won't believe it or immediately dismiss what I'm talking about. I used to do the same as I encountered unbiased evidence conflicting with my beliefs... » Continue Reading
Friends" ghost me, break promises, disrespect me. The disconnect continues to widen between me and people. Friends, family and humanity as a whole has me very disappointed. People seem very complacent, rigid and unwilling to evolve and discard stagnant traditions and social norms. Perhaps my expectations are too high but so be it. Humans are naturally social beings and I am no exception, so of cou... » Continue Reading
After the smoke clears from this political circus one thing to consider is that we shouldn't hold it against people based on who they vote for. Or if they don't vote. I say blame the flawed system or the corrupt candidates that they pick. Sometimes people don't align perfectly with the values of one party or the other. Quite frankly, why should we? It's an artificial construct perpetuated by the s... » Continue Reading
It scarred me pretty bad since I consist of two symmetrical hourglass figures. The shape of the mold was that of a Snuffledownagus. The estranged cousin of Snuffleupagus. Why was he estranged? Because he has not only one but two ears. The delicate, sophisticated elegance of the hourglasses do not integrate very well with the husky hulk, oaf loaf of the Snuffle bulk. » Continue Reading
In the USA it's a day when people hand over their power to satanic child predators to rule over them and in the UK they celebrate the hanging of a man who attempted to assassinate King James the first. Not that I condone assassination at all but to celebrate a person's death is quite barbaric in my opinion. This is a very sick society. I think we need to raise our standards and not be so complacen... » Continue Reading I need to get this off of my chest because it is driving me insane keeping it inside. Chances are people won't like what I'm about to state here if you identify with eithe... » Continue Reading
What I find interesting is how it becomes increasingly evident to me that humans are aliens on this planet. Yet we act like we own the planet. It is not our planet, it belongs to the native residents. Have we forgotten who we are? Have we forgotten how to share the planet with our fellow inhabitants? Look at us in comparison to the Earth life forms. There is an obvious dramatic difference. The in... » Continue Reading
It doesn't take much effort to discover the overwhelming amount of testimonies from abductees who underwent extreme trauma after being taken by grey aliens. Yet there are prominent figures within the UFO/ spiritual community who still insist that there are no bad aliens or that the greys are benevolent. We are surrounded by counterintelligence agents in all mediums. I'm not saying that ALL greys a... » Continue Reading
I was at my Aunt's house in her bathroom and I recall there being an old fashioned bathtub with a shower curtain and a blue tarp in front acting as a wall for the bathroom. I didn't feel it served as sufficient means of privacy. The next part of the dream was watching an interview with some sassy indie punk woman attempting to be a business woman. It was taking place outside as she was walking do... » Continue Reading
I shouldn't let them get under my skin but they really tend to push my buttons at times with their arrogance and condescending attitude towards the monuments of Mars, UFOs and ETs. It doesn't take much digging to discover project paperclip and the background of Wernher Von Braun who was a nazi SS officer. NASA is basically a front for more advanced black projects and secret programs. Something to ... » Continue Reading