No being that abducts people against their will is friendly.

It doesn't take much effort to discover the overwhelming amount of testimonies from abductees who underwent extreme trauma after being taken by grey aliens. Yet there are prominent figures within the UFO/ spiritual community who still insist that there are no bad aliens or that the greys are benevolent. We are surrounded by counterintelligence agents in all mediums. I'm not saying that ALL greys are like this but to make sweeping generalizations is unwise. I believe there was a deal made with the Majestic 12 group who went behind Eisenhower's back in order gain access to advanced technology. It is theorized that a species of greys were a dying race so they required our genetics for hybridization in order to sustain themselves. They also have a reputation for manipulating people through telepathic means in order to make them calm or happy. Perhaps why some are fooled into thinking they are friendly. I don't know about you but I sure wouldn't want anyone (ET or otherwise) taking me without my conscious consent! I'm aware that there are many theories circulating around that the greys are merely a concoction of the govt or that they're inter-dimensional, a projection of our own consciousness, holographic or whatever. While there may be some truth in those theories I don't think that the laws of the universe adhere to one set theory and the answer is more likely "all of the above". Personally I think that there are aliens that exist on our physical plane of reality in 3D and otherwise.

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