People are not born a Democrat or Republican. This is an artificial construct.

After the smoke clears from this political circus one thing to consider is that we shouldn't hold it against people based on who they vote for. Or if they don't vote. I say blame the flawed system or the corrupt candidates that they pick. Sometimes people don't align perfectly with the values of one party or the other. Quite frankly, why should we? It's an artificial construct perpetuated by the system. People don't exit their mother's womb as a Democrat or Republican. So the question we should be asking is why is there no middle ground? A compromise so there's less of this tug of war of extreme polar opposites going on. Until we do something to change this it will perpetuate the divide and we won't get anywhere. The current paradigm is designed to fail and keep us at odds with each other. Why is it set up like this and who is this benefitting? People that know me, know that this is nothing new coming from me. However it seems it is necessary to say it again.

I can also go a step further and ask why do we even need a "leader" like this in the first place? I prefer leading myself. I am a self taught musician and artist. I didn't do too well in school. Personally, I was never a follower of anything. If I ever tasted the waters of a certain sect whether religious, political or whatever, I spit it out. It didn't taste too good and my body and soul rejected it. If I hung onto it too long it made me sick. 

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