I had a 10 second dream, and when I woke up there was a strong energy flowing onto my face and into my heart and stomach! I kept feeling it flowing into my face for a few minutes after I woke up, and then I noticed that I had tears of joy on my face. It started with a vision of a big monster that looked like an evil Loch Ness monster named Dreadful, and these 2 happy flying p » Continue Reading
In this Earth life, we all wear a veil of illusion :( so just think of this life as a gory VR torture device. But also realize that you're on a stage. Your whole spirit family sees you and, more importantly, they help you. They have transitioned to a far more peaceful (and powerful) existence, from which they actually spend a great deal of their time helping you. And we all eventually join them in... » Continue Reading
I almost constantly have dreams that come true. It's usually random, inconsequential stuff - except for one big one. On the morning of September 11, 2001, just before I woke up I had an intense dream in which I was looking at 2 large trees. One of them was struck by lightning and then crumbled like a building being demolished. Then the other tree was struck a few moments later and also crumbled. I... » Continue Reading