
I had a 10 second dream, and when I woke up there was a strong energy flowing onto my face and into my heart and stomach! I kept feeling it flowing into my face for a few minutes after I woke up, and then I noticed that I had tears of joy on my face. It started with a vision of a big monster that looked like an evil Loch Ness monster named Dreadful, and these 2 happy flying people banished it and trapped it beneath swirling waters. The happy people flew away and dropped a metal spoon on the wood platform that I was standing on. I immediately thought to myself that if the spoon fell through the cracks into the water, it would make the Dreadful strong again. So I picked up the spoon, and I was also holding a dinner plate. I walked down the steps and saw the swirling water that the Dreadful was trapped beneath, and I realized that the Dreadful will never get me again, so I went ahead and threw the metal spoon into the middle of the swirling water, and then I took my plate and jumped into the water because I could float on the plate. Then I saw a bunch of other plates floating around. I recognized some of the plates from my childhood, which made me happy, but I decided to choose one particular plate that was very plain and old-fashioned. I jumped on it and stacked my plate on it, and then it started carrying me around. It carried me up a hill, against the current, and a strange beautiful melody started playing. I suddenly woke up and felt the love energy flowing onto my face and through my body! I could still remember the melody, so I memorized it and kept playing it in my head because it kept the feeling strong. I also memorized the dream, and tried to see the meaning before I fell back asleep. The feeling, it gave me a feeling of completeness that I drank from because I felt like the stream had been blocked for awhile - so I figured that I was blocking myself by having "dreadful" feelings of fear and/or anger. So, if I feel anger and/or fear, I am obstructing the flow of energy through my body. Every single thought of fear or anger, I can discard those thoughts and just have some faith, instead of being a prisoner of my own dread/fear/anger.

After awhile, I fell back asleep and then I forgot the melody, but at least I remember the dream.

2 Kudos


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