its been been a few days since this happened because it happened before the weekend. it was the day before valentine and my dumbass make her flower and got her something. and i wrote a note telling her but i did it to move on i told her she did have to answer or say anything and im not even sure if she read it since it was exams i gave it to the mutual friend cus i cant mentally give it to her and... » Continue Reading
context:i go to an all girls school in a country that would stone you if you were gay also i have a resting bitch face and her class is next to the elevator that i am forced to use (heath issues) also im extravert so i have this crush on a girl that i know damn well is not gay but i dont mind that i just wanna be friends. we have a mutual friend and thats how i got to talking to her and our mutual... » Continue Reading
this year has been a mess its like the world is falling apart so far i have relapse found out about this i wish i never knew i have deleted all my apps only leaving a few and im starting to realize how much fucked up shit my sisters have done to me the same people i tried so hard for them to like me the people i've done so much for just for them to not hate me and that ive been over looking all my... » Continue Reading
so i go to this all girls school and its also i private school like i know its so richy of me but its the only school that is english anyway i hate it its so annoying the girls are rude and are the same. they also hate everyone thats different like what did i do. i swear theres this girl that hates me cus i like to dye my hair. for context i used to dye it every few weeks and its still healthy. th... » Continue Reading