ABOUT ME!! i am Serial I am not legal in my state Southern Kentucky, middle of goddamn nowhere, is where i reside i have diagnosed autism, anxiety and am working on a bpd diagnosis Native English speaker though i know some italian » Continue Reading
complete U turn from my last entry... el o el... i read a whole lot. ive been reading on an adult comprehension level since i was 7. it was one of the only things i could do well, where my poor vision or autism didnt affect. when i was about 10 i learned about fan fiction and it became my entire life. there wasnt a day taht went by where i didnt check my favorite wattpad stories. While ive aband... » Continue Reading
Okay so im super bored so that means its time to pour my word soup into this site when i say tcc freaks you must understand i dont mean people who enjoy true crime, research it or are fascinated by aspects of crime. I mean girls who make edits of eric and dylan to nine inch nails. i mean people who romanticize school shooters and very real domestic abuse cases. i myself am very enthralled in the t... » Continue Reading