well, because I have dark hair it had to be bleached twice (on top of already grown out bleached hair) And after toner, so now I've bubblegum pink hair that will hoepfuly fade to a pail pink! » Continue Reading
I'm so weird I want friends but I'm so introverted that the second I say anything to anyone I overthink it and shy away, like why haven't they sent me anything do they not want to be friends anymore type stuff. Also, I know I'm out of the slang loop talking to another teen is like decoding some ancient language, I yearn for the simpler times- when me sitting playing with dolls useing my imaginati... » Continue Reading
I spent like weeks working on making one of those eternals rose bouquets and getting other gifts for my Bff and the entire time my sibling was saying wow Nix you're really bf material handmaking gifts and getting all the stiff she likes. So, I guess I'm Bf material even if I'm a girl lol. » Continue Reading
Honestly, life feels like it's going on without me and I'm sure that's normal, but with online school I just can't help but feel like I'm missing out on the "School experience". I've always been a "good kid" never sneaking out or anything like that it just feels like all I do is watch YouTube as I waste my younger years way- » Continue Reading