Finally finished lolita
Category: Books and Stories
Today after practically a year i've finished the book 'Lolita' it was pretty difficult to read, and took me time to get really » Continue Reading
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Category: Books and Stories
Today after practically a year i've finished the book 'Lolita' it was pretty difficult to read, and took me time to get really » Continue Reading
— 1 Comment— 1 Kudos
Category: Blogging
I was going through my moms old books on the shelf. The take lots of space , but ive always though » Continue Reading
— 2 Comments— 6 Kudos
Category: Life
Hoy en clase hemos tenido un micro debate que me ha hecho plantearme bastantes cosas. Hablabamos de como una escuela en Reino Unido había sustituido a todo su personal docente por sistemas de inteligencia artificial. Como concepto esto podría no parecer una mala idea, al fin y al cabo la IA tiene acceso a millones de fuentes de información que podrían darnos una visión más completa profunda sobre... » Continue Reading